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Revistas de la FaHCE
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Editorial Team
Vol. 6 No. 6 (2010)
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Geography and well-being in Argentina: Social and territorial inequalities at the beginning of the 21st century
Guillermo Angel Velázquez
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The road traveled by the concept of development: Discussion and practice
Ariel Oscar García, Elsa Laurelli, Paula C. Rosa
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Territorial implications of the new uses of agricultural soil in the county of Monte
Paula Palacios, Marcela Fedele, Daniela Patricia Nieto, Pamela Ferroni, Agustín Delménico
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Agriculturization within a new rurality context: New pluriactive actors in the department of Río Primero in the province of Córdoba
Gabriel Orlando Coppi
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Reflecting upon memory spaces: The positions of memory as territorial marks
Silvina Fabri
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Mbyá-guaraní territoriality within the urban space of the Lomba do Pinheiro community, in Porto Alegre: A research experience in Tekoá Anhetenguá
Nicolás Alberto Trivi
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Popular settlements in Buenos Aires metropolitan region: Emergence and reproduction of the territory in the city's neoliberal production processes [1980-2010]
Pablo González
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Closed polderized housing developments in the lower basin of the Río Luján: Approaches to this phenomenon's dimensioning
Silvina Fernández, Claudia Kochanowsky, Alejandra Sgroi
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Patrimonial volatility and new conceptualizations of urban soil value in intermediate cities
Beatriz Dillon, Beatriz Cossio, Leticia García, Daila Pombo, María Gabriela Sardi, Claudia Lausirica, María Lucrecia Filomía
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A study of temperature's spatial distribution in Neuquen River valley through satellite imaging
Marisa Gloria Cogliati
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Changes in soil use in the lands of the sugar refinery of Las Palmas, province of Chaco, during the years 1987 and 2001
Febe Rozkiewicz, Amalia Zilio
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Geography within university continuing education: Workshops on small productive businesses in rural and urban areas of the municipality of General Pueyrredón
Rosa Magdalena Sanchez, Silvia A. Mensi, Pablo Aimetta, Leandro Padilla, Cecilia Horvath, Noelia Padilla, Andrea Faccio
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Reseñas de Tesis Doctorales
[Reseña sobre] Lógicas y tendencias de la expansión residencial en áreas periurbanas. El Partido de La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina, entre 1990 y 2010, de Julieta C. Friediani
Nidia Formiga
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Reseñas Bibliográficas
[Reseña sobre] Instituciones, capital social y territorio. La Pampa y el dilema del desarrollo de la cuenca del Colorado, de Juan José Michelini
Mariana Relli
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