Urban conflict read through the commodification-decommodification tension. Survey of socio-spatial and socio-territorial actions in urban spaces. Argentina, 2021
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This article presents the preliminary results of a survey conducted in the project "Socioterritorial Movements in a Comparative Perspective" (UNESP, Brazil, 2019-2022), implemented in various universities in Latin America. The project aims to study and compare socio-spatial and socioterritorial movements through the analysis of their collective actions. The authors of this work are affiliated with the National University of La Plata, and the information presented pertains to urban contexts in Argentina during the year 2021.
Based on the survey, an information matrix was created to organize and classify the data obtained using different aggregation criteria. Using the preliminary results from this dataset, a theoretical framework was selected to focus on collective actions related to the struggle for housing and habitat in different regions of the country. Maps and graphs were created to depict the distribution of this conflict. Furthermore, the authors aimed to identify strategies within this framework that correspond to commodified and decommodified forms of habitat production, which are believed to coexist and generate tensions within the analyzed repertoire of action. The analysis of two specific cases is presented to shed light on these tensions. Finally, conclusions are drawn from results obtained in the analysis of surveyed actions, combined with reflection in the light of the selected theoretical corpus.
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