Fluvial landscape and urban land market. Comparative analysis in two streams of La Plata city

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Daniela Vanesa Rotger


The aim of the present article is to analyze the influence of the river landscape in the land market of the city of La Plata. Methodologically, a qualitative-quantitative work is developed, structured on a price survey carried out on two water courses located on the northern periphery of the city: the Gato stream and the Rodríguez stream. This study has compared not only the land value structure in both streams, but also the differences between course-bordering lots and neighboring lots. The results show the incidence of the water landscape in the urban land market, and the price variations in different areas of the course, as well as between both cases studied, also taking into account the landscape consideration that the stream acquires in some neighborhoods.


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Rotger, D. V. (2022). Fluvial landscape and urban land market. Comparative analysis in two streams of La Plata city. Geograficando, 18(1), e110. https://doi.org/10.24215/2346898Xe110


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