Analysis of the horticultural statistics of Buenos Aires. A contribution for the quantification of horticultural establishments in La Plata
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One of the problems of the Argentine horticultural sector in general, and that of La Plata in particular, is the inadequate production of quantitative information on the sector and the territory that would enable informed decision making by different stakeholders. In this context, a brief review of La Plata horticulture and the instruments and quantitative surveys carried out in the region in the last twenty-five years is presented, afterwards to expand on the methodological development used to estimate the number of horticultural establishments in La Plata in recent years based on the areas identified by satellite images. Next, a brief analysis is made of the available statistics and the problems they present, the dynamics and evolution of the indicators for the socio-productive structure of the main horticultural sector, as well as the relevance found in this type of information for social studies, political economy studies and economic policy studies. Consequently, the article provides conclusions regarding the general trends of La Plata horticulture and the quantitative surveys available on the activity.
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