Popular Space of Consumer: the Clothing Business fairs in Argentina

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Guillermo Nicolás Schiaffino
Josefina Di Nucci


In the current period, the expansion of consumption in the territory materializes in cities demonstrating the progress and installation of different consumer spaces. On the one hand, consumer spaces large capital the upper circuit such as shopping centers, supermarkets and hypermarkets on the other hand, spaces popular consumer and trade shows of clothing and accessories, called often popular shopping, with distinctive features lower circuit of the urban economy (Santos, 1979). In this regard, it is noted that increasingly distinctive period variables such as technical, information, advertising, finance, credit, among others, are present in such activities.

We propose in this article reflect on the importance of these variables with emphasis on consumption and the various commercial spaces. Briefly introduces the features of the current period and the centrality of consumption. Then it delves into the spaces of popular consumption and are apparel trade shows in Argentina to finally synthetically explain the case of the mega exhibition "La Salada".


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How to Cite
Schiaffino, G. N., & Di Nucci, J. (2015). Popular Space of Consumer: the Clothing Business fairs in Argentina. Geograficando, 11(2). Retrieved from https://www.geograficando.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/Geov11n02a03