When the city speaks. Thinking late capitalism, crime and urban problematics through The Wire

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Diego Labra


The Wire, the series conceived by David Simon at the beginning of the past decade and broadcasted by HBO, is one of the few that can presume of being called the best fiction ever created for television. But beyond its artistic highlights, o precisely for them, the expansive and total vision the show casts over Baltimore, Maryland at the turn of the century invites to be used as an access point to think capitalism, crime and the urban problem in present times. But above all, elaborate on how this concepts interact in dialectic relations, that in the end, produce the contemporary city.


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Labra, D. (2014). When the city speaks. Thinking late capitalism, crime and urban problematics through The Wire. Geograficando, 10(2). Retrieved from https://www.geograficando.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/Geov10n02a03