Territory, labor and health: Two productive activities’ point of view. Grain production in the core region and brick production in the south-east area of Santiago del Estero

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Nicolás Deambrosi
Paula Tagliabue


The purpose of this work is to analyze the changes in the territory dynamics of brick production in the south-east of Santiago del Estero and of grain production in the so-called Zona Núcleo Graní­fera (the Core Grain Region), and their impact on the urban-rural relation and on workers’ health.
In order to do this, we make use of quantitative (database creation based on institutional epistemological records) and qualitative research techniques (interviews, participating observation, bibliographical and documentary analysis). Within the framework of agricultural frontier advancement, soyazation and agrification, we analyze the relation between labor and territory in order to understand the health-disease-care process in two regional zoonotic diseases: Chagas Disease and Argentine Hemorrhagic Fever.


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How to Cite
Deambrosi, N., & Tagliabue, P. (2013). Territory, labor and health: Two productive activities’ point of view. Grain production in the core region and brick production in the south-east area of Santiago del Estero. Geograficando, 9(9). Retrieved from https://www.geograficando.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/GEOv09n09a08