Environmental life quality perception in the city of general Daniel Cerri, Buenos Aires, Argentina: Proposal for a qualitative research methodology in Geography

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Silvina Spagnolo


The behavioral and perceptual approach adopted by the geographical science may turn out to be very significant for territory environmental management. Such an approach does not intend to replace the qualitative approach, though it does propose their complementarity. The general aim of this paper is getting to know what the inhabitants of the city of General Daniel Cerri [Bahí­a Blanca, province of Buenos Aires, Argentina] believe the quality of their environmental life is. As for the methodology used, a population survey was conducted, which was representative of the population being studied. The survey was divided in three parts: a structural part, which will enable us to learn how the information possessed about the place is perceived; an evaluative section, which will show the way space is valued in connection with the decisions that should be made; and a preferential one, focused on the analysis of the preferences towards certain places


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How to Cite
Spagnolo, S. (2011). Environmental life quality perception in the city of general Daniel Cerri, Buenos Aires, Argentina: Proposal for a qualitative research methodology in Geography. Geograficando, 8(8). Retrieved from https://www.geograficando.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/GEOv08n08a07