Environmental quality assessment in connection with the use of dangerous soils: The case of La Carlota, Córdoba

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Gilda Cristina Grandis
César Gustavo Brandi
Melina Belén Ceballos


Environmental quality refers to how the environment contributes to human well-being. The use of dangerous soils in an urban area may affect that quality. This paper analyzes and assesses urban environmental quality in connection with the uses of dangerous soils located within the urban fabric: agrochemical storage, silos, garages for land fumigating equipment, liquefied gas tube and cylinder storage, gas stations. The methodology chosen for this study entails the application of Environmental Indicator Systems under the "Pressure-State-Response" model [OECD], so as to propose and measure an Environmental Quality index. Our ultimate goal is to identify those factors increasing or reducing risk, measured by pressure, state and response indicators


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Grandis, G. C., Brandi, C. G., & Ceballos, M. B. (2011). Environmental quality assessment in connection with the use of dangerous soils: The case of La Carlota, Córdoba. Geograficando, 8(8). Retrieved from https://www.geograficando.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/GEOv08n08a06