Patrimonial volatility and new conceptualizations of urban soil value in intermediate cities

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Beatriz Dillon
Beatriz Cossio
Leticia García
Daila Pombo
María Gabriela Sardi
Claudia Lausirica
María Lucrecia Filomía


The traditional systems of logic which have an impact on the value established for the urban soil have undergone change lately, due to the many dynamics taking place in intermediate cities. These cities' population growth and territorial expansion, as well as the changes in the way the real estate sector is conceived, the developers' proposals and the demand's perceptive components all make up an imperfect, heterogeneous market. Added to the traditional soil value theory are those theories related to the hedonistic aspects that grant symbolic value according to a complex psychosocial and economic structure. When fixing prices, consumers' payment disposition and the assessment of certain characteristics of the property, as well as the socio-economic status and the beauties of the geographical-scenic surroundings in which it is located are all combined.


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How to Cite
Dillon, B., Cossio, B., García, L., Pombo, D., Sardi, M. G., Lausirica, C., & Filomía, M. L. (2009). Patrimonial volatility and new conceptualizations of urban soil value in intermediate cities. Geograficando, 6(6). Retrieved from