Biofuels in Argentina, Brazil and Colombia: Advances and limitations

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Silvina Cecilia Carrizo
Didier Ramousse
Sébastien Velut


Biofuels introduce agricultural spaces to power production. They modify power network and productive territories governance. Biofuels are mainly criticised because they are obtained from traditional crops; however, it is also interesting to find out whether this productivity is sustainable with alternative crops which would not compete with food crops, as they would be located in marginal agricultural regions. This text deals with the production of biofuels in South American countries, within their international, national and local contexts. We focus on Argentina, Brazil and Colombia, continental leaders of the sector. We also analyse the evolution of the power market, the actors involved and the implemented politics. On a different scale, we propose the beginning of alternative biofuel chains.


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How to Cite
Carrizo, S. C., Ramousse, D., & Velut, S. (2008). Biofuels in Argentina, Brazil and Colombia: Advances and limitations. Geograficando, 5(5). Retrieved from