Macroeconomic dynamics, job market and income distribution during the 2003-2005 period

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Héctor Luis Adriani
María Josefa Suárez
Ariel Alvariz


The post-devaluation period (2003-2005) introduces a combination of changes and continuities in the socio-economic and territorial dynamics with respect to the Convertibility recession and crisis. An important recovery of the socio-economic activity in various areas, branches and businesses is noticed, though it does not directly correlate with the job market and poverty social indicators; nor does it even bring about substantial change in income distribution. In Argentina, these processes are seen in the uneven distribution of investments and of benefits reception generated by economic growth. This article aims at characterising this period by analysing the main socio-economic variables, at introducing the most significant debates around the changes and continuities concerning the Convertibility regime, and at accounting for the connections with the territory dynamics.


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How to Cite
Adriani, H. L., Suárez, M. J., & Alvariz, A. (2006). Macroeconomic dynamics, job market and income distribution during the 2003-2005 period. Geograficando, 3(3). Retrieved from