The space of human trafficking for sexual exploitation. Their representations in Argentina, at the beginning of the 21st century

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Magdalena Moreno


The article analyzes the representations of space produced on human trafficking for sexual exploitation in Argentina, between 2008 and 2018. For this analysis, the ideas of Henri Lefebvre about the production of space, and specifically the concept of space representations, are taken to read some of the cartographies elaborated by state organisms and civil associations. At first, a definition of human trafficking and Lefebvre’s conceptualization are briefly presented. After that, the cartographies that spatially represent the phenomenon of human trafficking on a national scale, obtained from documentary analysis, are shown to analyze the spatiality they create. Next, the anti-trafficking campaign is presented; to conclude, the link between the latter and representations of the space of human trafficking is posited, in relation to the possible geographical imaginaries that can be configured.


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How to Cite
Moreno, M. (2019). The space of human trafficking for sexual exploitation. Their representations in Argentina, at the beginning of the 21st century. Geograficando, 15(2), e061.