Development and territory A view from the soy-ization of the Latin American Southern Cone
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In this article we will realize a critical analysis about the relationship between development and territory from the advance of the soy-ization in the Latin-American Southern Cone. The work begins with a chronological framework and an interpretation of the stages in which the issue of development and territory became a state policy. In this analysis we consider that the issue of development and territory and its recurring presence in the public policy has to do with the construction of hegemony through the discourse production, explicit through proposals, options, actions and instruments aimed at dealing with the social problem of unequal development (regarding spacial, economical, social o even institutional matters). From this interpretation we analyze he commodity expansion and the consolidation of an accumulative model that is more concentrated and regressive, and which produces a grater and growing inequality. This is an economical concentration that benefits a privileged minority whereas the rights of the unprotected and precarious sectors of the rural and urban area are humiliated. This work questions the hegemonic cultural context which makes the current consequences of the territory production and the capital valuation (linked to the extractivism and the refocusing of the south-American economies) distant and incomprehensible for the majority of the population who ignore, minimize or disdain the deepening of the inequality and the social marginalization; the environmental political, economic, social and institutional consequences – nowadays or in the future – of the commodities advance; and the persecution, oppression and discrimination of the numerous parties.
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