New peripheries in the urban expansion process. The case of the county of La Plata

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Julieta Constanza Frediani


This paper approaches the issues of the new peripheries within the expansión process by means of the study of the case of the County of La Plata. Based on the urban changes that have been going on within the county mostly since the late 1980's, an important change can be appreciated in the morphology of the city, with important transformations in the peripheral structures. This emigration of the population towards the periphery is translated into an increase in the occupation of new surfaces within the physical limits of the city, specifically within the surrounding urban space. Within this framework, this paper aims at identifying the new and various forms adopted by the residential expansión in the county of La Plata, through the changes caused by the use and occupation of the surrounding land during the last few years.


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Frediani, J. C. (2008). New peripheries in the urban expansion process. The case of the county of La Plata. Geograficando, 5(5). Retrieved from