Ecological condition of cities and problems of population health
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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The relevance of the topic is to study the sources of air pollution, as they lead to an increase in morbidity and mortality among the population. This in turn requires radical lifestyle changes, as well as the adoption of specific measures to ensure a reduction in air pollution levels. In this regard, the aim of the study was to analyze the state of air pollution in the Republic of Uzbekistan and in particular the city of Tashkent to determine the consequences of its impact on public health. METHODS: To achieve the set goals, empirical research methods were used: empirical description and comparison. There was also an analysis of pollutant emission into the atmosphere indicators in general for the Republic of Uzbekistan and by region, carried out with a detailed study of morbidity in the general population and the incidence of cardiovascular diseases in the Republic of Uzbekistan, on whose basis a correlation and regression analysis was carried out. FINDINGS: As a result of our research, respiratory diseases with an increase in total emissions; diseases of the endocrine system, eating disorders, and metabolic diseases; diseases of the blood, and hematopoietic organs; and some diseases related to the immune system have been found. Circulatory system diseases and general morbidity have also increased, and these factors are interrelated.CONCLUSION: The article outlines the following measures to ensure a reduction in the level of air pollution: modernization of industrial enterprises, improvement of transport infrastructure, use of alternative energy sources, strengthening control over emissions that pollute the atmosphere, as well as rational placement of industrial facilities. The practical significance of the study lies in the optimization of environmental monitoring data on urban air pollution in the Republic of Uzbekistan, where in general there is a high level of pollutants in the atmosphere, which in turn affects the health of the population.
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